Soroush Jolai

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Technical Skills

Programming languages that I frequently use and how experienced and proficient I am using them.

Programming languages:

My level: Advanced
I learned C during my bachelor's at Tehran University in 2015. I created a simple Pacman game with only C as the final project.
During the Electronic Systems Object-Oriented Simulations module, I used C++ to create an application to distinguish objects from each other in 2019. In March 2023, I finished a Udemy course called "The Unreal Arsenal: Learn C++ and Unreal Engine" in which I learned intermediate and advanced subjects about C++ and also coded a project in C++ in Unreal Engine. I also finished a module during my master's called "Object-Oriented Programming in C++". In this module, I reviewed all the important topics in C++ and object-oriented programming. Also, in the Advanced Games Technology module, I code a complete level of a game only using C++. I coded 3D math problems using C++. I feel pretty confident coding in C++.

Engines\Frameworks\Software Used Most Frequently:

My level: Intermediate
I've made several games with Unreal Engine. Some were learning-based projects and one was my final project for one of my university modules. I'm comfortable with using Unreal for game development and I'm familiar with the editor and blueprints. Also, I've built a game using mostly C++ in Unreal.
Here is the links to related projects:
Cat with a Vengence

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